just a guy trying to live the Dream of having my own school…hope you "Follow" and enjoy!

Archive for July, 2012

First Day…

So I made it official! I’m leaving Dallas to live my Dream in Denver, Colorado:) Just posted on my Animal page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal/293858253512 about my move and plans to start teaching for myself and ultimately have my own school…feel BLESSED to have so much support:) Already getting some Amazing Feedback and feel like there are hundreds of little cheerleaders screaming “You Can Do It”…very very cool! I have a place to live in the Lakewood area of Denver already so I have a place to put my small amount (pretty much non-existent amount) of possessions but more importantly a place to lay my head at night:) I will be working in gyms or microbrewery bars in order to pay my bills and help me build my school and student base up. Long long road but well worth it! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and suggestions on my journey so please feel free to post anything you want and I promise to respond and take your suggestions to heart…Thank You for your support!!!

Living My Dream…

My name is Animal and I Love Jiu Jitsu! I am a Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brown Belt who is working on growing my own school in the beautiful state of Colorado. This Blog is all about taking the plunge and giving up everything to live “The Dream” This is the ultimate Entrepreneurial endeavour and hope it inspires you to follow your heart and chase your own Dreams, whatever that may be! Please “Follow” this Blog and join me on my journey as I talk about and document my travels through this crazy fun world of Jiu Jitsu and Entrepreneurship:) Thank You so much for your time and support…it means a TON to me and all of my students!!! Now let’s Roll….