just a guy trying to live the Dream of having my own school…hope you "Follow" and enjoy!

The very first Animal Jiu Jitsu student has arrived!!!

So I am PUMPED more then I could ever possibly write down on paper/Blog:) I was out tonight with my former student at Guy Mezger’s Combat Sport Club (www.guymezger.com) for some Amazing Denver Brew and chill time. He will be in and out of town for work until November 1st when he moves here for good…that’s when the training will beginning!!!!!! His name is Mitch and he has been training Jiu Jitsu/grappling for a few years here and there and has learned a lot from the time I was able to work with him. We’ve been talking about my move up here and him being the first Animal Jiu Jitsu student for several months now, almost a year actually, and it’s Finally Time:)!!! We downed some tasty Denver Brews and talked to some cool ass people at a local Denver bar where the bartender seriously almost got a F’ing beatdown from me for being a total dick! Either way, we had a Blast and talked about how we are going to build Animal Jiu Jitsu into a force to beĀ reckoned with!!! I will have to find a place to start teaching 2 times a week and just build my business from the ground up, the old fashioned way;) I will also be competing around town and nationally as well as busting dumbasses up in the clubs so through all those avenues I should grow my business slowly but surely:) I am feeling the itch to fight in the cage again too and once I get my job situation settled that will most likely happen, which will be another avenue for me to build my business:) I just realized I do a LOT of smily faces! Who cares, the people that really know me know that’s my style and they dig it so there you go;)

I will be posting the very first “Official Animal Jiu Jitsu School” picture once Mitch makes the permanent move and we get on the mat for our very first AJJ teaching/training session…it’s gonna be an AWESOME DAY!!!! So if you are paying attention and you are supporting this Crazy Animal’s dream please get ready for some Awesome training pics:)

Hopefully this coming week I will start training with some local Black Belts and will have to fight hard to earn my nickname….looking sooooooooooo forward to that!!! so I will let you know how that goes, hopefully my arm or neck doesn’t get broken;) hahahaha

Thank You sooooooooo very much all of you out there that are reading this right now…YOU are what is keeping me going and driving towards my goals…THANK YOU and a Huge Animal Air Pound:)!!!

2 responses

  1. myshadycorner

    Good luck at the comp! Stumbled on your blog recently, rooting for you to get a good academy up and running. It’s always great to see instructors with such a passion for the art!

    September 28, 2012 at 1:34 am

    • Myshadycorner I muito muito appreciate your post and support Homie!!! I definitely have a passion for Jiu Jitsu and am so freaking ready to get this bad boy up and rolling:) I most likely have another student, a bouncer I work with that want to start fighting MMA but says he needs a lot of ground work. I have worked with a LOT of MMA and Jiu Jitsu fighters in my career and will definitely be able to help him so I look forward to having him on the mat at my school:) Thanks again myshadycorner.wordpress.com for your support…I honestly couldn’t be doing any of this without peps like yourself, 100% serious about that!!! Please feel free to comment anytime and see you around the Blogshere!

      September 30, 2012 at 9:36 am

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