just a guy trying to live the Dream of having my own school…hope you "Follow" and enjoy!

So the nervousness and “WHAT AM I DOING” is setting in….

Anybody that says it’s easy to start over in a new city, especially with the expressed goal of starting a business, is straight up Crazy! I was talking to my Brother today as I was having a mild freak-out session about what I’m doing and he asked me if I feel “called” to what I am am doing….Great question by the way Broham! and the answer is Yes! although I doubt my “normalcy” enough to answer that questions without being honest enough that admit I fear I might be wrong b/c I don’t tend to make extremely rational decisions all the time. Point it Yes I feel I am called and directed towards this profession of teaching/fighting and I most definitely know I am not supposed to stay in Dallas but exactly where I go and the circumstances of me leaving here to venture out on my own are freaky enough for me to give serious pause. I know in my Heart that I am making the correct decision but it is still something I doubt. I have read a LOT about men climbing mountains and the thing I remember most is the response a lot of them gave when they were asked “are you scared of what might happen up there” and their answers varied but the common theme in all of their answers was “fear is not a reason not to take up a challenge” It is one thing to fear something yet it is a completely different thing to give into that fear and not attempt the task at hand at all…that is the definition of cowardice. I remember vividly this same feeling before my MMA fight, a “what am I doing here” was going through my mind, even though I very much wanted to be there and fighting. It was almost the same feeling I am having now. I know my goals, I know my ability to achieve those goals, but I also know how hard the road will be. So here I am starting on my quest with Excitement & Reservations all mixed up into one huge emotional ball resulting in me just saying…”here we go…let’s do this!”

2 responses

  1. Elliott

    If everything in life was supposed to go smoothly and without hesitation and questioning yourself, there would be no challenges to help you grow. You’ll end up in a place where you are successful, one definition of success or another. Good luck, I’ll undoubtedly be supporting and following as your journey unfolds, and I wish you the best of luck bud.

    August 4, 2012 at 1:10 am

    • Thank you Elliot for your words and support! I completely agree with your thesis on how we grow, unfortunately it is challenges and strife that are the most effective tools to get us out of our shell and moving forward in this life. Appreciate your comment and support!

      August 4, 2012 at 7:33 pm

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