just a guy trying to live the Dream of having my own school…hope you "Follow" and enjoy!

“Just Show Up” & Success will come…

I just hired a bouncer at the bar I work at. To be specific, I hired him for part-time work to cover all of our regular guys shifts if they are not able to work or need time off. I did this b/c we don’t have another full time opening right now. But he will be working at least once a week and sometimes 3 times a week. Point is, he got hired!

On a related note, this guy is new to the world of Jiu Jitsu and constantly espouses how it has helped him drastically change his life for the good. In all honesty we’ll see if he’s still training in 5 years or totally walked away from it. I Pray he is still on that mat or at least struggling to get back on the mat like yours truely;)

Today’s post is about “Be Present To Succeed” or as I like to say all the time “Just Show Up!!!” Yuri is the name of the bouncer I hired at the bar where I manage the world’s Best Security Team. He got the job b/c he was constantly telling me that he needed a job. I told him over and over again that we weren’t looking for anybody but if he just made himself available when I needed him that he would most likely get hired (of course he would have to do a spectacular job and show me he knows how to bounce!) You see getting to where you want to be or finding success in your choosen profession/life isn’t all that complicated and difficult. I mean you definitely have to put the work in and know what you are doing in said pursuit, but there are a TON of other people out there that want exactly what you want and have the skill set you have! So how do you set yourself apart from them? What makes you different then them? The answer is plain and simple…you are willing to anything and everything to achieve your success but most importantly you are willing to JUST SHOW UP!!!

After I told Yuri, he better be available if I needed him, he made sure to pick up the phone every single time I called and if he absolutely couldn’t answer right away he called me back the second he could! He took my advice and made himself available at a moments notice. And consequently when we were short a guy at 9:00pm on a Friday night, I called him, and sure enough he came to the bar and got his first shift! All I needed him to do was be there when I needed him and he did just that and now he is a member of the best paying Security Crew in all of Denver!

Now Yuri says he has 5 years of nightclub experience, but people can tell you anything about their work history and experience. Not saying that he is lying about his bouncing/nightclub experience, at all! Yuri is a straight up guy BUT Tim Ferriss even talked about this in his book the “4-Hour Work Week.” Tim calls it something like “Creative Truth,” I believe he uses another phrase that I really liked but you get the point. Regardless of how much experience Yuri has, he has shown me that he knows how to handle instructions, a crowd of drunk people, and bar fights, so I am very pleased to have him onboard:)

My challenge to you today is to think of what you are trying to accomplish in life. It could be related to your career, family, or social life but whatever it is I want you to take a long hard look at how much you expect success without being 100% available for that success? For me, I want to write more and be published but more importantly I want to make very very good money writing! So how often am I sitting around and writing? How often am I spending my time sitting around watching a movie or doing stupid time wasting activities instead of typing away on my Mac? The answer for me is easy…I absolutely need to sit down more and write!!! What is it that you need to “Just Show Up” for??? What is it that you are trying to do in life that you feel like you are not achieving or even making headway on? What endeavor can you start “Just Showing Up” for and wether you get what you are after today, you are willing to wake up tomorrow and the next day and the next day until you finally achieve your vision of success?

I hope this helped clarify some things for you…more importantly I hope this Blog will motivate you to go out and do things you never thought you could or would do!!!

As Always I want to say Thank You for reading my Blog and Please click the “Follow” button if you haven’t already!!! Until next time…

2 responses

  1. Big Mike

    Many of the best writers keep a sketchbook of ideas which may become useful someday, either as part of a plot or character or to plug in details in later books. Agatha Christie called it her “notebooks” I think. Not a diary, because a diary is long paragraphs about your day, and this is just a few lines here or there to remember an idea whenever it occurs. Or you can do brainstorming sessions with it: put a blank page in front of you, put a topic in your mind, and write whatever thoughts emerge. I used this to develop some workout phrases: articulating my goals as if they were already done, and recording them on a music player to listen to throughout the day. The same brainstorming can apply to writing a book or as a kind of prayer. And it might make writing more enjoyable, so that you find yourself doing it more.

    This is all based on the idea that your conscious/analytical mind thinks it knows everything but it doesn’t. The rest of the brain thinks in gestalts, relationships, images, metaphors. There are two problems with doing everything analytically (step 1, step 2, … like a computer). One, it gets in the way. Two, it takes a lot of energy to think analytically so you become fatigued and bored after a couple hours. The brainstorming/sketchbook approach creates a situation where the analytic mind can shut up and take a break, and ideas from the gestalt/relational mind can flow freely. Of course, it requires the analytic mind to articulate the idea in words, but that’s only a small job when compared to doing the entire process of writing analytically.

    Hmm, now I want to review and update my workout phrases today. 🙂

    February 8, 2013 at 4:34 am

    • Muito Muito well said Big Mike!!! Thank You so much for your post, especially since it is so well thought out and insanely insightful!!! I totally hear where you are coming from on the “notebooks”…I actually have 3 major writing and online projects I am very slowly working on that I keep a daily running “info tab” on. B/c I always have my iphone with me, I use the “Notes” app on it and have a running tally of all my projects:) I am working a LOT at the bar still, but that will change soon since I have my World Class Bouncer Crew running smoothly now:) I will have more time freed up very soon for mat time (training & teaching) as well as putting a LOT more work into my writing and online projects:)

      I like how you described how the brain thinks/works…very useful information for people to read on here! I wish you all the Best on your workout phrases Homie and I am hoping and pretty darn sure you are still Kicking AFS Butt!!!

      Thanks again for the post and info Big Mike!!!

      February 13, 2013 at 9:23 am

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